
Discover the CV Search Tool

In this how-to guide, we will explore:

  • Jobboom's CV search tool functionality
  • How to access it
  • How to conduct a search and optimize the results
  • How to open a candidate profile to add to your CV bank
  • How to access a candidate's full profile, download their CV and qualify them to associate them with a position

Jobboom's CV search tool

The CV search tool (offered among your posted or unposted positions for less than 30 days) is a complementary tool to use when posting open positions.

CV search will help you find the right talent for your needs from our bank of registered candidates on Jobboom.

This tool uses credits that entitle you to a certain number of CV openings. These credits are consumed only when you open a profile you are interested in.

Once a candidate's profile is opened, it will be added to your own CV bank and will remain available at all times in your Jobboom account

Access Jobboom's CV search tool

You can access this tool by:

  1. Consulting the details of your offer by clicking on the ‘Resume Search’ tab in your dashboard
  2. Clicking on the 'Resume Search' button within your post


You can search:

  • All the CVs and profiles of candidates registered on Jobboom
  • In your CV bank, from among all the applications you received via your Jobboom account, as well as the profiles of candidates you opened in a previous search.
  • Among the applications received for a position, which also allows you to choose one of the positions you have already posted (whether it is still online or not) and to search applications received for that position

Search and optimize results

To search, simply enter the keywords that describe what you’re looking for. You can search for a position, a particular certification or even a mastery of a particular software or computer language.

The 'Place' field is automatically populated with the postal code listed in your post, but you can change it to another postcode, city or region, or leave it empty.

Our tool will then search for a match among candidates' profiles by scanning their work requirements, the details of their CVs and where they are located, as well as Jobboom classifications of job sectors and the main functions chosen by candidates.

The search results will be automatically sorted by relevance.

You can also sort them based on the latest profile update or the candidate's proximity to the position offered.

By using the menu on the left, you can also:

  • Determine a candidate’s proximity based on their location
  • Filter results by employment sector
  • Specify the number of years of experience required
  • Filter by spoken language
  • Filter by level of education required

If you want to refine search results further, you can add new keywords or conduct a new search without having to return to the previous page.

View the results generated by the search tool

Candidates in the search results will be presented in a list, along with the keywords you have selected, highlighted in bold.

Each candidate will be presented along with their current or most recent job title, as well as the number of employers the candidate has had and their periods of employment.

You will also see candidates’ previous work experience, the sectors in which the candidate has worked, their education and spoken languages. The region where the applicant lives may also be indicated if the candidate has provided this information in his or her profile.

If you have conducted a search associated with a place, the distance between the candidate’s location and the registered location will be included.

You will also see:

  • An excerpt from the CV where keywords were found
  • The date of the candidate’s last profile update
  • The type of work permit possessed by the candidate.

If you come across the profile of a candidate who is already in your CV bank (whether it's because you opened it in a previous search or because they've applied for one of your positions), you'll see the candidate's name in this case.

By clicking on it, you will access to their full profile. However, by staying on this page, you can also choose to qualify the candidate, share their profile with one of your colleagues or download their CV directly.

How to open a candidate profile to add to your CV bank

The padlock next to the profile tells you that this candidate is not yet in your CV bank. If you're interested in a profile, click the 'Open' button.

At that time, a CV opening credit will be consumed and the candidate's profile and CV will be added to your bank. The padlock will then disappear to make way for the candidate's name.

How to access the candidate's full profile, download their CV and qualify them to associate them with a position

By clicking on the candidate's name, you will be able to view his or her full profile, view their CV and access their contact information.

You can also qualify the candidate to associate them with your position while placing them in a candidate management list, or transfer them to another position for which they would be more qualified.


Once you have associated the candidate's profile with a position, it will be distinguished from other applications received by a tag indicating that the candidate came from your CV search.

You also have the option to:

  • Discard
  • Download the resume
  • Share the candidate's profile with one of your colleagues

Once completed, you’ll be able to return to the search results to continue searching for profiles that interest you, conduct a new search, or start managing your applications.

Now you're ready to find the talent you’re looking for!

Our Customer Experience team is available to answer any questions. You can contact them at

Happy recruiting!

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